After the huge success of “The Beauty Inside” the first social film created by Intel and Toshiba, the two companies in collaboration have come up with an amazing sequel, “The Power Inside.” This movie narrates a tale of aliens disguised as moustaches and uni-brows taking over the world, changing everyone into unthinking drones. The great thing about this social film is that as an audience you have a much bigger role than just being a dormant couch potato, enjoying the movie; you can be a part of the movie as well. Yes, you do not need to be a big name in the film industry to work alongside great actors like Harvey Keitel, Craig Roberts, Analeigh Tipton, Reid Ewing and Zack Pearlman starring in the movie. In fact, while following the movie you can get yourself enrolled for the auditions and be a part of all the drama that unfolds!…
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