
Mianichi Newspapers


Mianichi Newspapers had been following an alarming trend in newspaper reading over the past few years; they had been losing readership by a huge margin! The reason behind this trend was that the youngsters had virtually given up the habit of reading newspapers. Therefore, to encourage the youth of Japan into reading newspapers, the Mianichi Newspapers came up with a far-fetched but an interesting idea. The Mianichi Newspapers decided to collaborate their newspapers with a popular product in order to get it as much publicity as possible, and thus the News Bottles were invented. As the name suggests, the News Bottles were basically mineral water bottles that that came up with the latest news articles everyday. Therefore, for a month, a total of 31 packages were created for the News Bottles, just to serve their purpose. As a result, a new medium was explored by Mianichi Newspapers to regain their…