
July 2013


Talking about business through social media might sound a little out of place. We all have been guilty of wasting time on social media websites only to like random memes and stalk our ex(s). Every time you log into one of the social media websites, it seems like taking over an on-going process of liking and commenting on whatever pops-up on your newsfeed, and not to forget the random tweeting and the fact that squeezing in gazillion hashtags in a 140 word limit is nearly seen as a talent. Unfortunately, not everyone sees such things as talent, like this Asian dad. But hey, social media is not all about getting spoilt and wasting all your time clearing jelly while playing Candy Crush Saga. In fact, working efficiently on social media networks may even get your budding business the kind of success that you have been dreaming of as a solopreneur.…