
April 2018


In a perfect world, everybody would be resilient and confident but this is planet earth and that’s probably why we have self esteem activities. Don’t worry, though. Nobody is born with limitless so if you see someone who’s incredibly self-assured, it’s probably because they’ve been working on it for years. Living with low self esteem can be damper. If you’re not too careful, it’ll start affecting almost every area of your life, making it nearly impossible for you to enjoy the blessing that life has to offer. Rest assured, it’s never too late to turn things around. There are activities and exercises that can help you boost self esteem and that’s exactly what we’ll be discussing in this guide. How to Build Self Esteem Take charge of your life and work on boosting confidence. Believe it or not but some of the most influential celebrities such Oprah Winfrey and Angelina…

Possessing the art of having great conversations is a skill that can take you a long way in your personal and professional life. Being able to spark a conversation with a complete stranger in social and professional situations, could be a born trait for some, but it is not something that you can’t learn on your own. Like any other skill that you can acquire, having the confidence and the ability to talk to almost anyone, can be easily achieved with practice. And of course, a little of planning ahead. Have you ever felt uncomfortable when trying to talk to someone? Or a situation where you might have gone blank while trying too hard to think about something to talk about? How about when you encounter a potential client, and you didn’t know how to break the ice? And when you went to that networking event last year, you struggled…