
February 2018


How does Craigslist make money by just letting people post their everyday advertisements and job postings. Before we jump into answering that, let’s take a step back and understand Craigslist’s business model. Craigslist is an American classifieds website that lets millions of buyers and sellers interact through its platform. It’s primarily used by and is popular with Americans as they are more familiar with it, but it is also available all over, in different parts of the world. Its headquartered in San Francisco, United States and was founded in 1995 by a guy called Jim Buckmaster. Craigslist has been one of the highest earning websites over the past many years, which makes us wonder, how does craigslist make money? The company claims that it doesn’t work for profit. It only employs as many as 30 people in the organisation. Still, it has been quite successful, and revenues are crossing sky-rocketing…

Learning to talk instinctively while growing up, we never realize how many types of verbal communication types and skills we adopt. And we also don’t acknowledge the fact that having the ability to communicate verbally is a blessing all of us should be thankful for. Just take a look at someone who struggles to speak due to anxiety or any other mental disorder; or even someone who is mute. Not having the ability to tell someone how you feel like, sounds scary to us. Importance of Verbal Communication Skills Hence, possessing effective verbal communication skills are essential for succeeding in any work (or non-work) environment. After all, knowing how to present your ideas in the most articulate manner is an acquired skill that needs to be honed. To get the message across, you ought to make sure that receivers are able to interpret your words in a clear…

Many people out there are looking for ways on how to earn money online, and one of the things that may always cross their mind is: how do Youtubers make money? Youtube definitely looks like an attractive way of making money online. And there are several avenues of making money through YouTube. How Do Youtubers Make Money? Content creation has become a real money minting gig of the era, and one cannot (or should not) neglect that. So how do Youtubers make money? Here’s your answer to feed your curiousity: How Do Youtubers Make Money #1: Google Places Advertisements on Youtubers Videos Most YouTubers earn an income by becoming content creators in the YouTube/Google Adsense program. This is Google’s Ad Network, that offers publishers and video content creators automated advertisements on their websites and videos. To illustrate this, suppose you have a YouTube Channel related to sports,…

Whenever you are making resumes when applying for jobs, there is a list of skills and abilities for resume that employers expect to see on all applications they receive. These skills are known as general skills that are valid for almost every job that exists. One needs to make sure that they mention and include these skills and abilities for resume when searching for jobs. Why Listing the Essential Skills and Abilities for Resume Are Important? What are the most important skills and abilities for resume? Which set of skills will get you the job? Do you know what the difference between hard skills and soft skills is? How will you able to share your skills, accomplishments and expertise with your prospective employers? The perfect place to highlight your strengths and abilities is your resume, along with your experience history. These skills can be used by you throughout…

In this post, we’re going to illustrate proactive interference examples and retro interference examples to explain both concepts and theories as clearly as possible. But first, let’s take a step back. Have you ever wondered how your subconscious mind works? What happens to old memories when new ones are made? Well, one thing’s for sure: the mind works in mysterious ways. But to answer our question, we’ll have to discuss two very important theories: the proactive interference and retroactive interference theory. What is the Proactive and Retroactive Interference Theory? The interference theory discusses the interaction between past behavior and newly learned material. This includes thoughts and memories that cause conflicts in the restoration of memories. These theories are based on the efforts required to recall past or recent memories. Inference theory can be categorized into two main types namely proactive interference theory and retroactive interference theory.…

PESTLE or PESTEL analysis is among the most popular analytical tools available for strategic business planning, and this post will help you understand the concept better through a number of PESTEL analysis examples. The business model can effectively be used by professionals to analyze a product, organization, individual and what position it holds in the market. In this guide, we’ll walk you through a detailed guide about what PESTEL analysis is all about. What is PESTEL analysis? PESTEL analysis is an outline or tool used by marketers to monitor and analyze external factors (also known as environmental factors) that are likely to impact an organization, or an organization’s business. This helps identify threats and weaknesses which are later used in a SWOT analysis. What does PESTEL Stand for? PESTEL is the acronym for political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors. Since it’s an acronym, it…

Being a movie buff (or even if you’re not), have you ever wondered how does Netflix make money? Netflix, for those of you who don’t know (and are living under a rock), is a media content providing company that lets users stream shows and movies online. It started off by renting out DVDs (it still does) and now, it’s one of the most subscribed, and the most popular internet TV service. Over the last few years, it has gained so much popularity that people have seriously started thinking of cutting the cord from their existing cable service. However, the question remains: how does Netflix make money? There are a few things you need to know before we can help you answer that. What is Netflix: Rise & Opportunity Over the years, seeing the need in the market that people are looking for good content at a reasonable price…

Coming up with argumentative speech topics can be challenging if you’re someone who doesn’t enjoy confrontation of any kind. Nonetheless, you have spent a lot of time in coming up with and writing those argumentative essay topics in your English class. And you’re possibly beyond the amateur level (it’s just our wild guess). And we’ll also assume that you have also gotten pretty good at writing about the argumentative topics your teacher or instructor assigns you. But, unfortunately when it comes to selecting your own topic, you go blank. You honestly have no clue related to what you should be writing on or what topic you should select. Scrolling through different lists online, but still no success. And especially if you are like most people who run away from even the closest thought of having arguments to prove your point. How to Write An Argumentative Essay?…