
February 2018


A list of personality traits in entrepreneurs will also come in handy, if you keep second guessing your decision of being one yourself. An entrepreneur, as we all know, is a person who invests his assets in a risky venture hoping for positive results. We can also say that an entrepreneur is similar to a leader who has a significant role over a business or a group of people in an organization. What are the examples of personality traits that are found in entrepreneurs? You will find out your answer in the list of characteristics of entrepreneurs below. List of Personality Characteristics Here is a list of characteristics and personality traits in an entrepreneur: Lots of Ambition Ability to take the leap of faith The willingness to get back up after they fail Believe that mistakes and failures are part of the learning process Determination to keep going…

Life is what you make it to be. And it has been proven that you are what you believe in. Everyone wants to know how they have evolved as individuals, which can be theoretically very compelling. The very commonly asked question that we all must have come across at some point in our lives, “How are you feeling?” It must not have occurred to many of you for several years that emotions have nothing to do with feelings. They are completely different entities of life, and do not co-exist. Emotion is one’s state of being, whereas feelings are considered to be the expressions of these emotions for every individual. Now, the question that arises here is, what actually determines a person’s internal feelings? The answer to this is not simple. It might take several years to discover the missing element. Or you might never find out. Do people really talk…

Remembering things is not as difficult, as we tend to believe sometimes. And struggling to remember things could be an outcome of the number of reasons we described the other day. Even though, there are a few skills that do not require any retention in your memory past a certain age. For instance, geometry, physics, or maybe just something as simple as dissecting a cockroach (maybe it’s not as simple for everyone) that you learnt in school. But sadly, memorization and the ability to remember things, is not one of those many instances. It is way ahead of the tests you appeared for in school. On an honest note, your memory can either save you, or put you in weird situations. Just imagine! You were to meet someone very important at let’s say, a party. And you forgot what his name was! Well, that would get awkward quite quickly. Hence the ability…

If you’re having difficulty in remembering things, it may just be due to a distracted state of mind. There may not be anything mentally wrong with you. We suggest that you don’t jump to conclusions, and read further. So, have you ever gotten that lost feeling of forgetting what you came here for when you walk into a room? And had trouble remembering where you left your wallet or in remembering people’s names, and you’re just like, “hey! I met this person just a month back, but I just can’t recall his name.” Although these situations might make us feel very senile, you do not have to live with it forever. It is just a case of brain fog! If you have never experienced any problems in remebering things, names, dates, or places, you are one heck of a lucky person. Majority experience this one time or another throughout their…

Have you ever been asked by someone to describe a list of character traits that you possess? Or may be that asked you to describe your personality in a few words? If yes. Were you be able to do it? It’s okay if you were not able to. Because, it can be very difficult to perceive your own list of character traits, and expressing them openly in front of the world. Detemining the List of Character Traits that You Possess Considering the fact that you have never really taken a personality trait test, or read about what your personality might be like, you probably rely on other’s list of character traits about you. “He’s very debonair.” “She can be very bossy at times.” “Why is he always so uptight?” “Her demeanor is so calming.” Descriptions like these by others make our list of character traits, which…

A crowd of angry football fans, often referred to as hooligans, taking extreme measures to destroy public property just because their team lost a Saturday night game. If it would have been one angry fan, his anger won’t be extreme enough to take such a measure. But because he was part of a large group, he, and hundreds others like him become a party to a public crime. This is one of several group polarization examples that we’ll expose you to, today. Have you ever wondered how riots are caused? How a group of large crowds resort to doing something destructive collectively? Well, trouble usually arises when an angry mob assembles and act in extreme (or polar) ways that becomes the crowd mentality. This is a high level representation of group polarization. Below is an explanation of group polarization to help you understand the concept better. What is…

As a marketing student, you probably have access to a plethora of resources such as your college library and of course, the internet, to come up with great research paper topics. However, the thought of writing your research paper can be daunting, especially if you’re still brainstorming and don’t know what to write about. Just like any other piece of writing, start by keeping your audience in mind. Then, make a list of research paper topics that are more relevant to your interests, or a new under-developed field (for example; augmented reality, or people sentiments towards Artificial Intelligence), or a unique research topic that intrigues your audience. But if you’re still struggling to pin down one out of the many research paper topics for your program, we’ll suggest a number of them for you to either choose from; or for you to take inspiration from and come up with your…

Rumi quotes have enlightened millions over centuries in looking at life from a meaningful perspective. Life is mysterious, chaotic, beautiful and messy – all at the same time. But in all this mayhem for power and self-absorption, we eventually lose purpose and no longer find beauty in little things. But it’s okay to wander as long as you’re willing to find your way back again. Rumi is well known for his articulate poetry and fantastic works of literature. The 13th-century poet used his words to transcend time and geographical barriers. Widely read, Rumi quotes are celebrated all around the world and have managed to inspire generation after generation. If you too feel like you’ve lost your way in life, it’s time you slow down and reflect upon love, beauty and happiness with Rumi’s sayings. Rumi Quotes on Love Unlike what most people presume, the quest of love does…