
Marvi Masud


Examining classical conditioning examples can shed light on the psychology of learned behavior and other aspects of human behavior. Interestingly enough, the first classical conditioning experiment was conducted on a dog. This paved way for a whole new world of psychology. Are you interested in learning more? Here are a few classical conditioning examples you should know about. Classical Conditioning in Advertising Examples With the aid of classical conditioning, advertisers coax consumers into associating their products with a particular feeling or response.  In this case, the advertised product acts as the conditioned stimulus, that’ll produce a conditioned response. Here, the main goal of the advertisement is to get the viewers to experience the same feeling when they see the product in real life (conditioned response). Here are a few examples of classical conditioning in advertisements: As you can see, the food products in the both these ads have…

The SWOT analysis of Nike would help us identify the brand’s position as one of the top three players in the world of sports shoes. Over the years, the brand has grown exponentially by introducing athletic footwear, sports equipment, and footwear. In this guide, we’ll be examining the brand carefully via SWOT analysis. Strengths in SWOT Analysis of Nike Let us start by examining the strengths of Nike. Perhaps the biggest and most notable strength of Nike is its electric, almost contagious attitude towards business.  This is mostly a result of its adrenaline-packed “Just do it” slogan that has made Nike one of the most recognizable athletic-wear brands in the world. Combined with its iconic “Swoosh” logo, Nike has risen as the number one “can do” company that people reach out to for cool, edgy products. Let’s have a look at some of the major strengths of the company:…

It may seem farfetched but there are a dozen ways on how to make money online without paying anything. Don’t worry, now. We’re not here to misguide you or get your hopes up for nothing. These are legit ways to make money but, like other ways to generate revenue, you’ll have to put in significant time and efforts. Some of the jobs below may require you to develop technical skills (which you can easily do by investing in online courses) so don’t be shy away from expanding your skillset. How to Make Money Online Without Paying Anything So without further ado, here’s our ultimate list of how to make money online without paying anything: Start Blogging Let’s start with the most popular method of all. A lot of people assume that blogging is merely a way to express their views but not many of them know that they can actually monetize…

Classical conditioning is among the most primary concepts that’s explained in psychology. Most folks are aware that classical conditioning revolves around associative learning whereas others are familiar with Pavlov’s famous dog experiment. In this guide, we’ll be providing you an in-depth overview of classical conditioning and what it’s all about. What is Classical Conditioning? How do we define classical conditioning? Classical conditioning is a process that involves learning a new behavior through association. Basically, it occurs when two stimuli (a neutral and unconditioned stimulus) are linked to create a learned response. This process undergoes three stages that we will be discussing later in this guide. The term was discovered by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov which later contributed to various aspects of behaviorism in psychology. For instance, if a kid is regularly bullied in school, he/she may begin to associate the school with fear. This may also cause the student’s performance to…

Creating a viral video isn’t exactly rocket science but yes, having a list of cool YouTube channel ideas to choose from definitely helps. But what do you do if you’ve been brainstorming for hours and still can’t come up with something to work with? Fret not. We’ve prepared a list of some super cool YouTube channel ideas that you’re sure to love. YouTube Channel Ideas for Beginners Is this going to be your first YouTube video? Well, then you’ve got to make it exciting. Since you’re a newbie, it’s important you introduce yourself and figure out what niche you’re interested in. Here are a couple of ideas you can work with: 1.     Introduce Yourself People love introductory videos because it gives them an insight into somebody else’s life. You can think of it as writing a journal. Think all the things that you can say. For instance, what are your…

Albert Einstein discoveries are what made the man a genius. Widely known for his spellbound scientific works and intellectual achievements, Albert Einstein would also make interesting observations about the world around him. This makes us wonder how well the man would do as a marketer. (Crazy thought, huh?) Albert Einstein Discoveries In this guide, we’ll be discussing some fascinating Albert Einstein discoveries and lessons that marketers can learn from them. Here goes: Evidence for the Existence of Atoms Ever heard of Brownian motion? Let’s give you a quick recap. In 1827, a botanist named Robert Brown observed pollen grains under a microscope. He noticed how the grain moved in all kinds of random directions (all whilst remaining perfectly still). At first, Brown assumed the movements meant that the pollen grains were alive but being a good scientist, he performed the same experiment with grains of sand. To his surprise,…

In a perfect world, everybody would be resilient and confident but this is planet earth and that’s probably why we have self esteem activities. Don’t worry, though. Nobody is born with limitless so if you see someone who’s incredibly self-assured, it’s probably because they’ve been working on it for years. Living with low self esteem can be damper. If you’re not too careful, it’ll start affecting almost every area of your life, making it nearly impossible for you to enjoy the blessing that life has to offer. Rest assured, it’s never too late to turn things around. There are activities and exercises that can help you boost self esteem and that’s exactly what we’ll be discussing in this guide. How to Build Self Esteem Take charge of your life and work on boosting confidence. Believe it or not but some of the most influential celebrities such Oprah Winfrey and Angelina…

Today, business owners and organizations can benefit from a plethora of different types of advertising. You can easily choose the best type according to your brand, target audience and objectives. In this detailed guide, we’ll be walking you through different types of advertisements. What is Advertising? Advertising is paid promotion of products and services using various channels. Not only does it build brand identity but it also bridges the gap between potential consumers and brands. Today, advertising has become an integral element in the corporate world which is why companies spend a considerable amount of resources in advertising goods and services. Different Types of Advertising There are many different types of advertising, some of the most popular ones include: Traditional Types of Advertising As the name suggests, this category includes some of the most traditional types of advertisements including: Print Advertising This is perhaps one of the oldest mediums of…